Our Adventures Heading West!

Stay tuned as we add pictures and stories from our trip - we ship out on July 6th from NYC!

Monday, June 28, 2010

About this blog...

No doubt there will be plenty of adventures as Saint David's own Ms. Jenn Horton and Ms. Sara Thorpe head west to experience the wonders of the Oregon Trail. Since we are aiming to complete this trip in 10 days, we opted for a rental car over a covered-wagon, and will utilize a cooler rather than eat dried meat, craisins and bisquits. Still, our goal is to uncover daily life experiences of a pioneer heading west. In the end, we hope to have collected valuable stories, pictures, videos and artifacts to share with our second graders when we return. Stay tuned for forded rivers, lost oxen, possible typhoid, unexpected encounters with natives (honestly - those truck stops can be dicey!), and plenty of hunting for buffalo on our way to the land of "milk and honey".


  1. Good luck. I can't wait to read of your adventures. May the wind always be at your back.

  2. From what I have read, most pianos were dumped out of the wagon train by like Kansas, so why wait, do it now!
